The Deadly Embrace
A Lesson from Nature
“In the way of righteousness is life: and in the path thereof there is no death.”
Proverbs 12:28
The rainforest is an’inspiring sight. One may think once you have seen one, you have seen them all, but it is not so. Tropical rainforests or jungles are different from subtropical ones and even more different are the rainforests of the northern hemisphere, like the Canadian rainforest on the coast of British Columbia.
They all have their own beauty and an almost eerie fascination when it gets dark, because of some oddly shaped giant trees and the myriads of ghastly looking air roots hanging down from the tall trees. The patches of moss on trunks, the clusters of ferns nestling in the forks of branches, and the baskets of orchids letting down their delicate crisp-white blossoms enchant the eye and let one think how beautiful this all is. Strolling by, it all looks innocent.
But in truth everywhere a battle is going on. There is the battle for light. All plants, thin or thick, try to make their way up to the top. Be it a fern or an ivy, and since the latter has no support in itself, has to climb up and around some tree to reach the precious light on top of the canopy.
There is the battle for space too. In nature wherever is light and rain, there is growth. In the rainforest is plenty of rain, so there is not only quick growth, but also quick decay. If not interfered by man, the delicate ecosystem keeps a healthy balance, though the strangest things do come up, yet constitute a fairly common part of the whole picture. The rainforest is a world on its own.
That you may discover one of its mysterious wonders, you have to take a second look at the things you see on your walk. I want to mention here only one particular and very interesting sight which made me really think.
During my stay in Australia, with sister Leila McTavish, we visited also some believers on the east coast north of Sydney, yet still south of the Barrier Reef. Brother Altwein who lives up there with his wife, took Leila and I on a tour through the rainforest high in the mountains, two hours drive from the coast. With great enthusiasm we went through this vast splendid realm of green. I was fascinated from the start, and had to say to myself, not all rainforests are alike. There were also signposts with interesting explanations about this or that particular tree, shrub or plant.
Birds were singing with clear flutelike voices, but you could never see them. The shy, magnificent Lyre bird one may glimpse only at early dawn, like most of the wildlife in the rainforest, for nearly all species are nocturnal and retreat to their den or nest as soon as the sun rises. Lovely slender fern trees, called “walkingstick” graced the sides of the path with hanging clusters of bright red fruit. Rotten tree trunks were covered with colourful fungi to brighten the dull brown of dead wood. What made this forest so special was that it was not so dark like some in the tropics. There were also waterfalls, walls of rocks and crevices, boulders strewn around and brooks here and there…
Gazing at the various high and mighty forest giants, suddenly my eyes caught the trunk of a tall tree, that looked different than the others beside it. However, this was not the only one in all the forest. It was grayish in colour, with a smooth, net-like pattern around its trunk all the way up to the top. What was that net-like pattern? I wondered. Then I asked Br. Altwein who knows this area in and out, and he said these are the roots of another tree, grown around another tree for lack of space, and being stronger, completely “embraced” the other. I marveled about the overpowering force of life
going on in nature. Two trees on one spot, only one will survive this struggle for space. Br. Altwein pointed to me later on another spot what such wrapped around tree looks like after many years and what has become of it. One was cut down by the forest management and you could clearly see what happened to that once flourishing tree with the thick layer of foreign wood around it. The original tree inside was all rotten, useless; the outer layer with the twisted, braided strings of thickened roots was useless just the same. Two trees in one and both good for nothing.
Does this not make you think? How could it come to such an end?
In its beginning the first tree grows unencumbered and free, taking nourishment from soil and sunshine. Then some other seed germinates right at the base of the meanwhile bigger tree, but there is no place to grow for the latter. There is now a conflict. Both cannot develop and mature on the same spot, there is no room for both. The stronger one will succeed. So the young new tree leans to the older, already tall tree and since it is of another kind, starts out to do a strange thing. It twists its air roots loosely around the other tree, shooting up in criss-cross random fashion, some twist themselves along the way, some others grown even underneath and above the already established ones, forming curious patterns like braids and nets, looking like a piece of art. At first the host tree is strong enough to grow and expand its trunk, considering the foreign net around him as a mere insignificant nuisance, which in its young stage expands and shapes itself along with the host. The upward climbing roots are more or less of the same thickness, and the whole tingle tangle of the twisted braids is sleek, giving the entire mass a smooth, even look. But after many years, this curious net is getting tougher with age, stiff and unyielding.
Now trouble comes to the host tree, for it is by now completely trapped in this mass of strange wood around it, the trunk has no more room to expand and to breathe – the firm grip of a deadly embrace sucks the life force out of it. The host is now doomed, slowly but surely it will suffocate from the top down and rot, for even the crown has been overtaken by this forceful “strange”. There is no escape; the host tree has become a prisoner unto death.
But this kind of growth which sucks out the life force of another is not the product of original creation. God made everything “very good”, to let it flourish freely, innocently, for His glory and the joy for all around. Not for the hurt of something else, be it a tree, a creature or a man. No, all this strange outgrowth and other perverted forms in nature are the crop of the great apostate, that fallen angel Lucifer, who in his hatred toward God turned on this earth every divine order upside down, rough nature and man out of harmony with the Creator. He is out to devour, to kill and to destroy all what God had made. Ever since he succeeded to cause the first human pair to transgress the holy commandment of God, Satan took over this planet to claim it as his own, including nature, creature and man.
There is no limit to his evil imagination, no restraint in his wicked devices, no scruples to his intentions and no rest in his enterprise to erase every trace of the original divine pattern and image, be it in man or nature. And ever since the fall of man by yielding to the voice of the serpent, this earth and its inhabitants have become play balls in the hands of the deceiver. It seems there is no escape from his solid, deadly grip. The tree, mercilessly and hopelessly embraced by layers of thick roots up to the top, represents the tragic reality of what fallen man has become through the embrace of sin. The natural, carnal man cannot free himself from the grip of the prince of darkness, he is “holden with the cords
of sin,” (Prov. 5:22), by nature a hopeless prisoner. This is the way Satan wanted it to be.
And would it not be for the love of God, this would be the condition of fallen mankind for all eternity. But thanks to God, the Majesty of Heaven, He sent His precious Son to rescue what was lost. By His own death as our Substitute to bear the penalty for the broken law of God upon Himself – Jesus Christ burst open the prison gate of eternal death and sent forth a blast upon the prince of darkness disclaiming his charge – every human being born to be his rightful property.
With a sacrifice so unique, suffering so intense, and a love so infinite, the Son of God reclaimed the crown of creation – man, who had no possibility to deliver himself from his fallen, lost position.
Has the sinner accepted the gift of salvation, understood from what he has been redeemed through the offering up of Jesus Christ upon the cross, and claims Him as his personal Saviour, he received a new heart, the Holy Spirit and divine grace to obey the word of God. He is now a child of the heavenly kingdom, a new creation, the power of the slavery of sin has been broken. He may be a faithful happy Christian for years, witnessing, labouring for the salvation of others. Yet he is not without danger. Though converted and having a new heart, he still lives in his old body with all its weaknesses and
infirmities. Thus a conflict is still going on between the flesh and the mind, the spiritual nature.
The spiritual minded says with Paul: “I keep under my body…” but often it happens the flesh gets the upper hand.
If one is not alarmed at once and trembles when his old desires and habits rise up again and try to make their entrance, he is not aware of his peril. At first he may think I am strong enough to deal with these matters. A little yielding won’t hurt. Surely a bit of a good time will be harmless. Just one cigarette again, just one would not hurt. How would a little drink be like, and would it not be nice to go out with some old friends again? I know they do not love God, but we sure did have much fun. How to feel the excitement of the place and the cribbling in the fingers at the slot machine?
No matter what the temptation, if not resisted, repulsed at once, the poisonous tendrils of forbidden lust will slowly but surely net themselves around the beclouded mind, which considers the matter as of little concern.
However great damage has already been done to the spiritual life by yielding to just one small desire of the flesh, because dedication begins to lose power, time for devotion is neglected little by little, imperceptibly but surely is the taste for the word of God first a trifle less, then less and less desirable. The voice of conscience has become dull and benumbed, for worldly pleasures have taken the time and at last the soul. The restraining power of the Holy Spirit had been driven from the soul temple, and the soul is left bare and defenseless against the wiles of the devil. So it goes and after some time the once happy Christian notices with dismay he is again entangled, ensnared in a mass of desires of the flesh, who once delivered from them, feels their tightening embrace around him with more consuming force than ever before. Sin again reigns. It may be only one kind, but if cherished, it is enough to destroy and neutralize all the power of the gospel. There is no mercy in sin!
Yielded unresisted to its blinding grip, it will choke every remaining trace of spiritual life out of the apostate Christian. Satan is especially after those who became Christians, he wants to destroy every one of them if he can. So he tempts them to study their weak spots. He succeeds with those who are not careful to his devices ‘ and are self-assured in their righteousness. Such could not be more wrong.
For a human being in his own strength is no match for that mighty foe.
This world with its captivating allurements, the dazzling, glittering displays and pleasures is the enchanted ground of Satan. Especially the young are fascinated with today’s quick and fast available almost limitless amusements, from TV, rock music, loose fashion, science fiction, novels, drugs, computer games etc. All is geared to keep the mind excited, busy to yield to the full, having no time to think about where we come from, where we are going. All these things are lethal poisons to young Christians, the deadly bait to catch their immature, untrained, and ignorant souls. They need careful counsel, guidance with great understanding. But thanks to God we have precious light and wise counsels
through the books of the Spirit of Prophecy, to escape these corrupting evils. It is possible for young and old to resist temptation in whatever form or disguise it may assault. When we through weakness are overcome, we are not to despair nor to give up, ever. Because the Bible says: “For a just man falleth seven times, and raiseth up again.” Prov. 24:16. By earnest repentance and heartfelt confession we are restored to righteousness and divine favour, and are encouraged to go on, forward, upward along the narrow path.
But it is the consistent hardening of the heart against the voice of conscience, that the Holy Spirit finally will leave the soul. It becomes the target of the mastermind of Satan, who with a malicious sneer will snatch the victim to throw it at the end with disguise and hellish satisfaction into the pit of utter darkness and despair. The life once rescued has been wasted and together with the instigator of apostasy is worth nothing, only good enough to be thrown into the fire. The privilege of a child of God, whose life has been delivered from the slavery of sin, is not only to hear God’s word, but also to live by it. It is his safety belt of this life in a sinful world.
We must know for sure that “the name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.” Prov. 18:10. In that vehicle, the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and with His word which we are to test and trust and wear around our loins like a safety belt, we are secure from the entangling deadly nets of evil forces spread out along the road of life.
“The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, to depart from the snare of death,” (eternal death). Prov. 14:27.
Jesus uttered solemn warnings when He said: “And take heed unto yourselves, lest at ay time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and care for this life, and so that day (you would be totally overtaken by fleshly lust) comes upon you unaware.” Luke 21:34. “Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation.” Mark 14:38.
Paul tells his fellow believers and encourages them strongly: “watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit like men, be strong.” 1 Cor. 16:13, for we have daily to conquer our old nature and exercise faith in Jesus Christ. He will give us the complete victory over every carnal desire, and defect of character. This we gain when heeding His counsel: “Abide in me, and I in you…for without me ye can do nothing.” John 15:4,5. Here is our commission, our task forever growing, and conquering faith. Here is the secret for absolute victory. It will cost tears, agonizing prayer, self-denial, total consecration and persistent resistance unto blood, but it is the only life worth living for. May everyone choose this way while living in this tabernacle of sinful flesh, that he may become an example of what divine grace and the cleansing, redeeming power
of the blood of the Lamb can do in the life of those who commit their needy souls to Him. To live for the glory of God, what He is able to accomplish in those who are born with a corrupt nature, have become partakers of His divine nature live not any longer for their own pleasure, but do all to vindicate the name of God before the universe from the diabolic charge of the arch accuser, Satan, that sin can not be overcome, nor the law of God be kept. God needs such people who are willing to endure fierce temptations yet like Jesus endured not to be defeated and prove the divine promise of our great Saviour. “My grace is sufficient for thee,” (2 Cor. 12:9), to burst free from the perilous snares of sin. “I can
do all things through Jesus Christ, which strengtheneth me,” (Phil 4:13) must be our continuing, dominating motto that shall make the evil one to flee from us do not so much as to gain a foothold in all our conduct, so that sin with all its woe and dire consequences by purged, expelled from the life of the humble child of God, and the glorious, pure image of God’s character perfectly reproduced. Everyone is a candidate for this divine pattern, with our own strength it is no possible, but it is God Himself who will do it for His own good pleasure and purpose. We need only distrust ourselves completely, but give all faith to the power and strength to Jesus Christ who is able to save us to the uttermost. To Him be glory and honour forever.
By: Edda Tedford, British Columbia, Canada