The Journey
The journey is an entire lifetime-
Let us walk with Christ
Hand in hand
The road is long and difficult
Let us not look behind us
But look to Jesus
On Calvary
The way is paved with obstacles
Let us not dare go alone
For without Him
We are lost
The path is straight and narrow
Let us place our will in His
So that we may overcome
In His strength
The sojourn is not forever
Let us keep our eyes on the goal
And trust the Heavenly guide
Who will never let us down
The battle is almost over
Let us take the amour of God
And with the sword of the spirit
Conquer sin
The race is not to the swift-
Let us not delay
But press onwards
For the crown
The journey is an entire lifetime-
Let us walk with Christ
Hand in hand
Reyna Esther Conde