Testimony from a Young Person
Hello. My name is Khandi. I am from New York. I am 13 years old and I have a testimony to share. This happened two years ago when I was in the 6th grade. I brought my Bible course to school. I took it out of my bookbag and went to the teacher’s desk with it while the other students were on the computer. The teacher saw what I was doing and wanted to look at the information. While she was reading, the class was making noise. So she said to the class, “Can you please be quiet, we’re reading the Bible”. The class kind of got a little quieter. Three students came and they started to look at me and at what the teacher was reading. A boy next to me asked me questions as to whether I was reading the Bible and what you get when you finish the course. I answered him and said “a certificate”. All the time looking back on this I thought, I was doing it in my own strength, but I was doing it with the strength of the Holy Spirit. May you pray for me so I can move on in God’s work.
Khandi Stewart, New York Church
PS – The teacher saw a reading about Christ existing in heaven before He came to earth. She saw this reading from someone else working in the school. Also, please pray for the teacher.