Missionary Training

Although not everyone is called by the Lord to give themselves to full time missionary work, the Lord has a place in his vineyard for each church member to do some work. Each is responsible for being a light in the sphere of influence that they exert daily. It is not up to the gospel worker to go and bring the message of salvation to your schoolmates or co-workers. This is your duty. However we all need training. The disciples were 3 years with Jesus before they were ready to go out and become full-time evangelists. We should be training our members how to effectively spread the gospel.

“There is a great work before us, and each individual has a special part to act. We shall not all have the very same life of service, but if we will commit our ways fully unto the Lord, He will direct our paths. Oh, that there were hundreds more of consecrated young people! God wants a large army of earnest, consecrated youth to gird on the armor, and to fight manfully the battles of the Lord. There is a work for each one to do.” 2 SAT, p. 286.

Where are we to learn how to effectively spread the gospel? “From the light God has given me, if our ministers would preach about one quarter as many sermons, and devote their energies more perseveringly educating and training young workers, opening the Scriptures to them, showing them just what they need to do, thus fitting them to take a place in the ranks of God’s army, more would be accomplished.” GCB, 04-25-01.

“As a people having advanced light, we should devise means by which to develop an army of educated missionaries to enter the various departments of the work of God. We need well-disciplined, cultivated young men and women in our schools, in our sanitariums, in the medical missionary work, in the offices of publication, in the conferences of different states, and in the field at large. We need young men and women, who, having intellectual culture, are fitted to do the best work for the Lord.” 6T, p. 206.

With these counsels and testimonies in mind, our believers here in Australia decided to hold a missionary training seminar during the time when the students ‘have their school holidays. The seminar was to run for one week (April 17- 24). With a van full of people we traveled from Sydney approximately 1,000 km north to a small town outside of Brisbane. One family has been faithfully standing for the truth for over 20 years all alone in this part of the country. We decided to take the young people and have a training seminar at the home of this family. During the seminar we would also have “on-the-job” training.

In a beautiful country setting each morning we had two classes of study on various subjects such as: “Effective methods of canvassing”, “How to Give Bible Studies” and “How to build a bridge when someone accepts the health message to bring them the gospel message”. Also various difficult Bible texts were studied in depth -Bible texts that false Christianity uses to seemingly support their false doctrines.

In the afternoon we went out and applied our knowledge and went canvassing in the small town of Lowood. We went out two by two (from the youngest at 7 to the oldest youth – over 40). In the three days that we canvassed, we pretty well finished the main part of the town. Much literature was given out and several good Bible Study contacts were made. We hope and pray that more souls will be brought to worship with this family who have stood so faithful all alone, for these many years.

There was such a blessed spirit of unity and cooperation among the old and young during this seminar. There was spiritual cooperation as well as practical cooperation in the household chores.

We ended our stay with a trip to the mountains on the final day before our departure. Even with this outing we were shown how to effectively do missionary work while out for a recreational afternoon. Brother Eaton had a pocket full of Bible tracts and gave one to every person that he passed along the trail in the woods. After our hike and lunch we had a Bible Study in a park. We sat close to a place where there was a beautiful lookout over the valley so people came by and stopped to look at the view, and hopefully listened to some of the words being spoken. While we were studying, our youngest student, little Henry (7 years old) ran and gave a Bible card to every person who stopped to look over the valley. He was so diligent that he noticed that one man purposely left his card behind on the railing. In his innocence he thought the man accidentally left it so Henry picked up the card and ran after the man to give it to him. The man kindly turned it down. Two times the man had to reject that card. The Lord tried to reach him twice. The poor man will lose the blessing, but little Henry may have a few stars in his crown for his efforts that day.

There was a good response to the seminar. The young and older ones were encouraged and plans are already in place to come again next year to this home. Some, who could not make it, would like to be able to be there next year. Meanwhile we have plans for other areas during the other school holidays.

Yes, it is time to take an active interest in the salvation of our youth. Their salvation is not only the responsibility of the parents but of the whole church. May the Lord help us to capitalize on their youthful energies and encourage them in the right direction.

“By the word coming from God, we are instructed to educate, educate, educate, young men and young women to understand the living oracles of God. This knowledge will be of the greatest possible value to them as they labor for God. God requires that minds shall not be dwarfed by a connection with the church, but strengthened, elevated, enriched, ennobled, and made fit for the most sacred work ever committed to mortals. The Lord will have a well-trained army, ready to be called into action at a word. These will be well-disciplined men and women and youth, who have placed themselves under educating influences that have made them vessels unto honor. ” RH 03-22-98
Jesus is coming soon, much sooner than we may think and it is now time to get ready, get ready, get ready and a large part of getting ready is not only to ready ourselves, but to be a faithful watchman on the walls of Zion -bringing the warning message to those around us. May God help us to all faithfully use our talents in His cause and not be found sleeping on guard.

Wendy Eaton