Moses many weeks was on his way, over him God’s watchful eye,
Guiding every step so that he may
Go there where God wanted him to come
To a place directed to become his home. –
Jethro was a goodly man in distant Midian,
Had seven daughters, worshipped God, took Moses in to ease his lot,
Gave his oldest daughter Zipporah for wife
And thus begun for Moses an altogether different life.
He tended sheep, the many, many Jethro owned,
To find pasture led them through the land;
Moses had to learn to understand and handle these animals so gentle.
Rough words or shouting unsettled, frightened them to scatter,
they must not be rushed to sprint like horses,
No, but rather to be calmly, gently called together,
With much care to gather, to lead them to the resting place,
Not push them like to run a race.
This was all new to Moses the former general.
Whose command always was instant.
Constant movement was his exercise,
Bold achievements and courageous enterprise.
But this strange task was a great challenge,
There was no way he could himself avenge
But what he needed now was patience,
And learn to navigate without restlessness
Big herds of sheep with gentleness.
Sometimes had to be away from home finding pasture, there to roam
Longer times to be exposed to weather changes and disposed
Of proper shelter, maybe find a bush or rock to rest and watch the flock.


Months turned years, two sons were born to Moses there in Midian,
He no longer looked like an Egyptian,
The simple shepherd life made him humble but alive
To bear his duty with great care,
As a loving husband, father and protector,
It was the life for Moses God had planned for.
Far away from royal duties, high ambition,
Country life wrought the mighty transformation
In Moses’ attitude and character. Being often there in solitude
Among the mountains, wilderness, with flocks of sheep in quietness.
Alone with God he became content, with the simple life at hand.
Moses was now humble, meek and patient, right after God’s intent,
He was now the man – thus Providence could use him then.


It was a day like many others, a distance far from home away,
Moving to find fodder for the day.
Moses and his flock came to a mountain, where was grass,
He let the sheep there grazing, while himself did gaze
At the site of his surrounding, and he found a spot for resting
Right there by that great mountain.
The sky was deeply blue, and crisp the morning air,
The mountain’s rim clear cut against the heaven fair.
In the stillness and tranquility Moses felt
Serenity around him, very different from the other places he had been.
As he sat meditating upon God, suddenly he saw close by a spot
Of a most unusual sight. He got up there so he might behold
What it may be, to investigate and see.
Then he saw it was a desert bush on fire,
But there were no flames to burn it up or smoke,
As he looked on, he heard a voice out of the fire calling:
“Moses, Moses.”
In utter shock Moses fell on his face stammering: “Here am I.”
It was God’s voice so nigh “Put off thy shoes, for this is holy ground. I am
The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob.”
And Moses hid his face, he was afraid, God Himself was in this place,
That echoed from the bottom of the mount.
“I have seen the affliction of My people, I know their sorrow,
And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of Pharaoh,
And bring them unto a good land, flowing with milk and honey and
I have heard the cry of the children of Israel, in their oppression,
And make occasion, to send you to Pharaoh to bring
My people out of Egypt.”
Moses was not pleased at all, as he received God’s call,
Of His commission to be on the mission
He had anticipated long ago, but now his confidence was so very low.
“Who am I to go to Pharaoh to bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?”
God said He would be with him, to say to the Israelites that I AM
Had sent him to deliver them.
And that they would serve Him on this mountain.
However, Moses was not very enthusiastic, but rather fearful,
Doubtful drastic, though God showed His power to bend the rod a serpent
And Moses’s had made leprous.
Even these two signs did not make him fervent, joyous.
He kept on debating, not being eloquent, slow of speech,
Doubting to reach the confidence of Israel.
But God assured He will be with him, and teach him what to say.
But it was of no avail, Moses wished he had his way,
Saying, God would send some other one away.
Now God’s patience was now over:
“Is not Aaron the Levite your brother?
He can speak well, and behold he is coming hither to meet you,
And all will be well.”
Aaron would be his spokesman before the people, and God will
Give His words to Moses to instruct Aaron what to say to them.
And then was silence once again….
Thoroughly shaken Moses rose, and in this pose
He looked, the bush was not consumed, not a leaf or twig had moved,
With great amazement slowly he removed,
Intensely thoughtful pondered on the vision
With every step he came to the conclusion,
That truly he was chosen for this great mission, and there was no reason
for dismay, or delay, for God Himself will lead the way.


Moses on his way returning to Jethro in those traveling days,
Was deep in thoughts about his calling, causing to awaken confidence,
And faith and trust, now to God surrender all he must.
Peace and joy came over Moses then,
New vigor, enthusiasm filled the man, a holy glow was on his brow,
When he conveyed God’s call and vision on to Jethro.
The man of God did not object, as Moses and his family
He with respect did let depart and blessed them in his heart,
To call God’s protection on this long, great journey
To the land of Egypt, with provender, donkeys, sheep equipped.
But God detect in Moses one defect,
His youngest son he had not circumcised,
And before he realized, God was to kill him at the inn,
Then Zipporah, she saved the situation,
Taking a sharp stone,
Quickly she fulfilled the rite, the misdeed to atone.
Aaron also by God’s call was on his way to meet them all
At the very mountain of the vision,
Very joyous was the brother’s safe reunion.
Then Moses telling Aaron of God’s signs and plans,
They eagerly began returning to the land,
As God gave the command, to go to Pharaoh,
To let God’s people go.

End of Part II

To be continued.

Edda Tedford, Canada