Peter had been raised in a Christian home. His parents taught him to love the Lord and he attended church every Sabbath with his parents and his sister. He was very active in the children’s class and always had a heart to help those who were new to the class, or who were very shy and quiet. If he saw a new visitor in church, he always went up to them and greeted them and had a friendly conversation. He was extremely social and outgoing, and was always looking for ways to help other people. He learned these lessons from his parents, who were missionaries, and from the stories in the Bible, that he loved to read.
Peter’s love for others extended beyond people, to all of God’s creatures. He loved animals. He had a pet cat, and pet hamster in a cage. Once in a while he found injured birds and animals that he brought home to care for, and if they were too sick, he took them to a wild animal shelter where they would nurse wild animals back to health.
Peter loved to sit in the backyard and watch the squirrels and chipmunks running around looking for food. He enjoyed seeing the birds flying and looked forward to the day when he could be in heaven and fly like the birds. They looked so free and happy flying around. Every morning he woke up early and, before leaving for school, he put out some seeds to help the birds and animals in their search for food, and he gave them fresh water.
One morning a neighbour brought Peter a baby squirrel in a cardboard box. He had found the squirrel under a large oak tree in his backyard. He knew of Peter’s love for animals and that he sometimes cared for injured birds and animals. The poor squirrel was cold and barely breathing. Its body was only about 12 cm long with a tail about the same length. Since it did not even have any fur on its body or tail, they knew it was a baby that had recently been born.
Peter brought the tiny squirrel into the house and held it for a few minutes to try to warm it up. He then wrapped it in a warm blanket while he connected his incubator that he had for just such animals who needed to be warmed. He filled the bottom of the large wooden box with crushed newspaper. Then, wrapping a hot water bottle in a wool blanket, he placed it in the middle of the box. A nest of cotton was placed on top of the blanket, and into this nest went the tiny squirrel. He wondered if it would live.
Peter knew he had to feed the poor squirrel soon so he got some canned milk that his mother had in the kitchen cupboard for him to use for these animals in need. Using an eyedropper, he tried to get a few drops into the squirrel’s tiny mouth. Getting six drops into its tummy this way was a bit challenging. Peter then found one of his sister’s doll bottles, and it worked much better. The little squirrel quickly learned to drink from it, and for the next two days Peter fed the squirrel every three hours. He named the little squirrel, “Daisy.”
Like all baby squirrels, Daisy had been born blind. It was two weeks before her eyes opened. Her fur began to grow a week later. After two weeks her body and tail were completely covered with a nice grey furry coat.
As Daisy grew larger Peter fed her orange juice or grape juice in between milk feedings, until she was about two months old. Then she began to eat solid food. Peter had researched foods that squirrels like to eat and had fed some in the past, so he knew what to feed her. She liked oranges, watermelon, cantaloupe, avocado, rose petals, dandelion leaves, and leaves from the tips of branches. Some of the food was taken from the backyard and was carefully washed before being fed to Daisy.
This story shows us how Jesus takes care of His children. Jesus loves everyone that He created, and is very happy with those who have accepted Him as their Saviour. Just like Daisy, each of us were helpless and without a way we could spiritually live to please God. But God knew how lost we were and did not just leave us to die. He sent His Son, Jesus, to save us. He came into the world to rescue us. As sinners, there is no hope for us, except by the love and grace of the Son of God. He took our humanity and lived on this earth, being tempted just like we are, but He did not sin. His love for us was so great that He took the punishment for our sins on the cross. All that we have to do is admit that we are helpless sinners, repent of our sins, and ask Jesus to help us to turn away from them and help us to be good Christians, obeying God through love. Jesus will nurture us and help us.
Daisy would have died if someone had not taken such good care of her and given her the food that was just right for her. And so, God has given us the Bible, which is the best food that we can have. It helps our Christian life grow so that we can please Him. Daisy could not have grown if she had not eaten the food that was given to her. And we cannot grow in the things of God if we do not read the Bible and use what we have learned from Him.
Daisy lived in Peter’s house for two years. He kept a branch for her to exercise on, and she learned to follow orders. Squirrels can be trained indoors so that when the time comes for them to be released outside, they are ready for life in the open. The day finally came when Daisy was released among the trees in Peter’s backyard. Daisy went scampering off to explore her new environment, but she never forgot the one who saved her life. Often when Peter would sit outside enjoying watching the wild animals, Daisy would come up and say hello and climb up his arm to his shoulder. When winter came, Peter was concerned about Daisy, but the next spring, Daisy was still there and greeting Peter whenever she saw him in the backyard. Daisy lived for three more years and raised several families of her own.
Daisy was cared for by Peter until she could take care of herself, but she always remembered the one who saved her. Jesus has promised to be with us and take care of us while we are on this earth. We are needing His daily care. One day He will come again and take us to be with Him in Heaven. We will be free from sin, and sorrow. We will be given the universe in which to roam free, but we will never forget the One who protected us while living on this earth. The One who gave His life in payment for our sins. The One who helped us to overcome sin and learn to live a righteous life. The One who is preparing a mansion for us in heaven. We will be eternally grateful.
Let us thank Him and praise Him now on this earth because of His daily help, and the promise He has made to set us free from this earth, to go to heaven one day. We may be sick and weak like the squirrel, but as we feed on the food that Jesus provides in the Bible, we will grow stronger every day until one day, when Jesus comes we will be ready to go with Him to heaven.
The Apostle Paul had full confidence in the care and leading of Jesus when he wrote, “I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day”. 2 Timothy 1:12