“As we behold the restless ocean and the sea and waves roaring, we think of the mighty power of God with whom we have to do. And all who accept of Jesus Christ are brought into close relationship with God.” –Manuscript Releases, vol. 20, p. 323
“Christ came to teach human beings what God desires them to know. In the heavens above, in the earth, in the broad waters of the ocean, we see the handiwork of God. All created things testify to His power, His wisdom, His love. But not from the stars or the ocean or the cataract can we learn of the personality of God as it is revealed in Christ.” –Counsels For the Church, p. 75
“It is the love of Christ that makes our heaven. But when we seek to tell of this love, language fails us. We think of His life on earth, of His sacrifice for us; we think of His work in heaven as our advocate, of the mansions He is preparing for those who love Him; and we can but exclaim, ‘O the heights and depths of the love of Christ!’ As we linger beneath the cross, we gain a faint conception of the love of God, and we say, ‘Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.’ But in our contemplation of Christ, we are only lingering round the edge of a love that is measureless. His love is like a vast ocean, without bottom or shore.” –Lift Him Up, p. 248
“Having undertaken the work of man’s redemption, the Father would spare nothing, however dear, which was essential for the completion of His work. He would make opportunities for men; He would pour upon them His blessings; He would heap favor upon favor, gift upon gift, until the whole treasury of heaven was open to those whom He came to save. Having collected all the riches of the universe, and laid open all the resources of His divine nature, God gave them all for the use of man. They were His free gift. What an ocean of love is circulating, like a divine atmosphere, around the world! What manner of love is this, that the eternal God should adopt human nature in the person of His Son, and carry the same into the highest heaven!” –That I May know Him, p. 19
“Christ came to this world and stood before men with the hoarded love of eternity. The whole ocean of divine love was flowing forth from its great center. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit were working in behalf of man. Every power in the heavenly universe was put into activity to carry forward the plan of redemption. The cross of Calvary was erected, and while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. The Just suffered for the unjust, that He might become the justifier of all who believe in Him. He took human nature upon Himself, that He might be a partaker with us in all our temptations. He clothed His divinity with humanity, that by enduring the agony of the cross, He might make His soul an offering for sin.” –The Review and Herald, January 7, 1902
“We have an inexhaustible storehouse, an ocean of love in the God of our salvation. He has placed in the hands of Christ all the treasures of the heavenly resources and says, ‘All these are for man, in order to convince fallen, sinful man of My love, . . . and that for his happiness I am working and will work.’ The happiness of man is to know God and Jesus Christ whom He hath sent. It was to make this vast treasure house of all good available that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. He sprinkled every gift with His own blood…. The gift to our world in sending Jesus is an exhibition of His grace which God Himself cannot surpass…. But one thing is impossible with God–the power of eclipsing the greatness of His gift in showing His love for fallen man.” –That I May Know Him, p. 338
“The Lord has instructed us to call God our Father, to regard Him as the fountain of paternal affection, the source of the love that has been flowing from century to century through the channel of the human heart. All the pity, compassion, and love which have been manifested in the earth have emanated from the throne of God, and, compared to the love that dwells in His heart, are as a fountain to an ocean. His love is perpetually flowing forth to make the weak strong, to make the fainthearted firm, and give moral courage to the wavering. God works through Christ, and man may come unto the Father in the name of the Son. Our science and our song is ‘Hear what the Lord hath done for my soul.’” –The Signs of the Times, March 5, 1896
I saw that we must be more like Jesus. Everything in heaven is in perfect order, and the events of the judgment will come in perfect order. . . . ‘Press together, press together, press together, press together, ye shepherds, lest the sheep be scattered. Love one another as I have loved you. Swim, swim, swim, plunge deep, deep, deep in the ocean of God’s love. Come into a nearness with God.’ I saw that we must overcome perfectly and get the victory over the powers of darkness. “ –Manuscript Releases, vol. 12, p. 251
Ellen G. White