Based on John 8:1-11

She was set up in a well-planned trap,
To face a glaring judgment, inducing a most frightful torment.
She was a well-known sinner, therefore without a glimmer
Of concern would use her as a tool most useful
To set a trap for one whom they want to catch
In one malicious pact, only Satan here could match.
The Scribes, the Pharisees of haughty pride
Found themselves so pious–sanctified,
Looked down to those not of their creed,
they spared no means to feed their greed,
for honour, recognition, showing off great piety
in their religious society.
Considered themselves meek, fasting twice a week,
Making openly a show that all may know,
They were the sons of Abraham–but in truth–were nothing but a scam…
For some time they hated bitterly the one from Galilee by the sea,
Who travelled with a publican and some fishermen
Throughout the land,
Eats with sinners, healed and taught
Not in harmony with the Jewish leader’s thought.
Him they wanted silenced, trap in His own words and action,
Condemn before the law to their high and mighty satisfaction.
Nothing would be spared, all was figured out –
To secure a confrontation without the notion of one doubt.
They will gain a victory in this wily planned conspiracy.
Mary they would hire to seduce a married man,
Cold blooded sacrifice they will her life,
To catch precisely the right moment to accuse her for adultery,
Then drag her off to Jesus
For judgment according to the law of Moses.
The law demands the punishment of both–the man and woman,
To be stoned. But they would not care, the man they spare,
Their intention lies alone in that–the verdict here to get
From the Galilean Rabbi in their clever laid out net. –
Will Jesus ignore the sin–adultery,
He would disgrace the law with infamy.
Will He condemn the woman unto death–
Above the ruling Roman powers there Himself would set.
Whatever Jesus then would utter, the thing alone is here the matter,
That He would be entangled in His word,
That would condemn Him at the court.


When they saw Jesus teaching in the Temple court that certain day,
The set-up incident was on the way–
Some men now ran and fetched the freshly caught,
totally distraught woman and mercilessly threw her at the feet of Jesus
accusing of just now committed adultery.
Eagerly these bigots looked upon the lips of Jesus,
Awaiting scathing condemnation, but He to their consternation
He said absolutely nothing. –
But He bent and stooped to move His fingers in the dust.
Again Jesus ask they must: ”What sayest Thou?”
He stood up to say: “He that is without sin among you,
Let him cast the first stone.”
Then to write again stooped down.
And looking they saw words there written on the ground,
Reading them they found–the faces turned ash grey –
To their great dismay–their own sins standing out in letters clear.
Gripped with sudden fear, they felt like fetters close them in,
Shame, conviction tightened up their throat
And without another word–slowly, shyly stole away
From that them condemning spot.
The hope for victory brought those Scribes and Pharisees
Nothing but one despicable, miserable mean defeat. –
Jesus then stood up. Mary would for shame not lift her eyes to Jesus,
As He said that her accusers are now gone.
And He with her alone now said; “I will not condemn you,
But: Go and sin no more.”
Those words were music in her ears, all of a sudden took away her fears,
Of certain death so gruesome, it was to her most awesome;
It relieved her tortured mind, and these gracious words
Became the turning point.
It stirred in her the grave decision–only deep conviction
Can give birth that a serious change will coming forth.
From seeing death before the eyes, then be suddenly pulled
Out of the mire and hell’s fire–that deep within in Mary
Great remorse and sorrow moved her soul to the very core.
The failure of her sinful life made her weep sore–
This kind of life she wants no more.


There came the day where Mary in humble attitude poured out
Her gratitude to Jesus saving her, in one fair
And loving precious gift upon Him–
From an alabaster vial filled to the brim
with Spikenard most costly, anointing there His feet, mixing with her tears
streaming down her face. The aroma filled the place and air
With the royal fragrance fair, encircling Jesus
And those present there hallowing the atmosphere.
This gift of love disclosed repentance genuine,
As sweet perfume that only Jesus knew,
It was to Him like sparkling morning dew.


At the feet of Jesus Mary listened there to words never before heard.
They found a ready echo in her heart, to live a life of purity
And chastity, to honour God with true devotion and sincerity.
The wicked days had passed where evil spirits seven,
Vexed and prompted her to deeds contemptuous, foolish, sinful
And outrageous. A hopeless slave, all efforts to escape in vain–
Till Jesus cast them out, breaking Satan’s hellish chain.


Mary Magdalene’s life became a song of a heart-delighting melody,
One impressing, moving testimony.
The story of one sinner’s victory,
Who after her great fall, overcame her misery,
Yielding all, giving all–
As through God’s grace a tremendous change of heart took place.
And with holy fire burning deep within, had only one desire,
With every heartbeat, breath, and nerve,
Her Saviour and Redeemer serve.
Her life is given us for hope, no sinner there so great
Where God’s saving power could not cope,
To break one loose from Satan’s malicious, soul-destroying net.

  Edda Tedford, Canada