The Pascal Supper finished, out they went, Jesus, Peter, John and James
(Mark 14:33), to the garden where they often came—Gethsemane.
Jesus felt much heaviness, feared of what He had to face.
Dark forebodings of what lies ahead, now He meets with dread.
With groaning He does utter: “My soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death”
(v. 34), “Watch with Me and pray” (v. 38).
A stone’s throw forth He kneeled and prayed (Luke 22:42):
“Father, if Thou be willing, remove this cup from Me; nevertheless not My will,
but Thine, be done.”
Jesus feels a terror wave roll over Him, it forced Him to the ground.
Darkness so immense, profound, engulfs His mind; suddenly He feels so keen
the load of sin of all the world upon His anxious soul.
Satan with a sneer beholds the torment, he claps his hands: this is my moment!
 I will bring Jesus down, to menace, scare, make Him give up,
I will triumph with my trap! With his evil angels he surrounds the praying frame,
exerting all his devilish, cunning skill—he begins his game—to pour out at last
a heinous blast with wicked craft, his hate, contempt, disdain,
  upon the Son of man. “How few accept You, most hate, reject You! What for
to die, for a world that does not want You!”


It is indeed the hour of decision, it forever seals the fate of man,
The outcome still hangs in the air, will Jesus consent to what He has to bear?
To do His Father’s will is His delight, but human nature shrinks to face the plight
 of the cross now looming over Him. If He now fails then all is lost to save
 the human race, to bear its guilt and pay the price—to give Himself as Sacrifice…


Ere man from His own hand came forth this was His will to venture, as security
 if man would fall, the penalty for sin He would endure.


The struggle deepens, intensifies the agony, His fingers grasp the earth to hold
Him tight as to assure Jesus from a flight to flee this horrifying spot—
 to refuse His chosen lot.
Three times the pleas rise up to Heaven to spare the Son the dreadful cup,
no answer comes and Satan presses hard to give all up.
He tempts the mind of Jesus to escape, He unto blood is fighting this debate!
It is the contest of His life with Satan—who will win? Two powers for victory
 here strife, and guilty man lies in between—the severest of all conflicts—
 is because of him! (man).
Death to taste, this is Jesus’ fear, it shudders the pure Innocent,
To be made Sin itself! To bear the guilt! Justice the broken law demands—
 by death as penalty. Then bloody sweat drops from His face (Luke 22:44),
 so marred now in the conflict, and His stricken soul in all this turmoil
is like shrouded in a haze.
All nature, heaven, angels with dismay behold the scene so doleful,
As the Creator suffers untold woe on this wretched earth below…


But then His eyes see mankind tight in Satan’s grip—hopelessly lost—
His own creation! Now His love for man overpowers Jesus,
He cannot give up man! The quest is settled, over! He rather dies and give it all,
 to warrant Satan’s triumph a great fall!
With enormous effort He then says: “I drink the cup, Father, Thy will be done.”
Jesus now is thoroughly shaken, He trembles, shivers, faints,
His body can endure no more, exhausted to the core He lies like dead
 from the ordeal on the bloodstained earthen floor…
An angel comes to strengthen Him and tells Him of His Father’s love.
By this sweet comfort from above Jesus revives, new vigor rouses Him,
All fear is gone, peace all within, He goes ahead awaiting what will come to Him.
Jesus conquered over Satan’s power in that decisive, crucial hour!


He returns to His disciples; He hears the noise of those approaching
who bind Him, bring to trial, judge, condemn—and finally will crucify.
Jesus’s love for man will yield to all abuse, defy all scorn, and pain and shame,
to fulfill for what He came—to the letter, till it is accomplished—
 man to be saved, and—Satan vanquished!

Edda Tedford, Canada