“As the location for a home is sought, let this purpose direct the choice. Be not controlled by the desire for wealth, the dictates of fashion, or the customs of society. Consider what will tend most to simplicity, purity, health, and real worth.” –The Adventist Home, p. 131

“Many need to learn how to make home attractive, a place of enjoyment. Thankful hearts and kind looks are more valuable than wealth and luxury, and contentment with simple things will make home happy if love be there.” –The Adventist Home, p. 108

“Furnish your home with things plain and simple, things that will bear handling, that can be easily kept clean, and that can be replaced without great expense. By exercising taste, you can make a very simple home attractive and inviting, if love and contentment are there.” –The Adventist Home, p. 150

“For what shall we hoard up treasures? To be swept away by the flames of the last day? Shall we lay up gold and silver, to be a witness against us in the Judgment,–to eat our flesh as it were fire? Shall we cling to our possessions till they fall into the hands of our enemies? . . . Now is the time to place our treasures where they will be eternally secure. . . . That which we give to the cause of God becomes our own forever. Says Christ, ‘Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.’ These alone, of all that we possess, are really ours. All that we lay up on earth, we must leave at last. It is only what we give for Christ that we can take with us into the eternal world.” –The Review and Herald, December 6, 1887

“The time has come for us to take advance steps. We should beware lest a selfish, covetous spirit shut out the blessing of God. The Lord calls upon us to give of our means to support His cause. He requires more of us than merely the payment of the tithe. . . . Recall all the mercies and blessings that the Lord has bestowed upon you, and consider that He has made you stewards of his goods: Then let each one examine himself and see if he is honoring the Lord with his substance. We should come before Him with both thank-offerings and sin-offerings. Our obligation to God is endless. His work must not languish for want of means. His claims must be met first, at whatever cost or sacrifice.” –The Signs of the Times,  September 27, 1883

“May God help you who can do something now to make an investment in the bank of heaven. We do not ask a loan, but a free-will offering,–a return to the Master of His own goods which He has lent you. If you love God supremely, and your neighbor as yourself, we believe you will give tangible proofs of the same in free-will offerings for our mission work. There are souls to be saved, and may you be co-workers with Jesus Christ in saving these souls for whom Christ has given his Life. The Lord will bless you in the good fruit you may bear to His glory. May the same Holy Spirit which inspired the Bible take possession of your hearts, leading you to love His word, which is Spirit and life. May it open your eyes to discover the things of the Spirit of God.” –The Review and Herald, January 8, 1889

“Happiness is not found in empty show. The more simple the order of a well-regulated household, the happier will that home be.” –The Adventist Home, p. 150

Ellen G. White