“He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.”
Psalm 23:2
“In David’s song His grace is pictured also as the cool, ‘still waters,’ amid green pastures, beside which the heavenly Shepherd leads His flock.” –That I May Know Him, p. 24
“As the watchful shepherd, Jesus labours for His sheep and lambs. He bids His flock draw near, and He will lead them to green pastures, to living streams of water to quench their thirst and refresh their spirits.” –Manuscript Releases, vol. 7, p. 147
“Jesus is the good Shepherd. His followers are the sheep of His pasture. A shepherd is always with his flock to defend them, to keep them from the wolves, to hunt up the lost sheep and carry them back to the fold, to lead them beside green pastures and beside living waters.” –Lift Him Up, p. 215
“There are in the fold of Christ not only the sheep, that He leads into green pastures, but the lambs, that the Shepherd gathers in His arms and carries in His bosom. Jesus cares for the weak and feeble in their simplicity, and would quicken their life by His own heart beats.” –The Signs of the Times, April 18, 1895
“The education received by Moses, as the king’s grandson, was very thorough. Nothing was neglected that was calculated to make him a wise man, as the Egyptians understood wisdom. This education was a help to him in many respects; but the most valuable part of his fitting for his life work was that received while employed as a shepherd. As he led his flocks through the wilds of the mountains and into the green pastures of the valleys, the God of nature taught him the highest and grandest wisdom. In the school of nature, with Christ Himself for teacher, he contemplated and learned lessons of humility, meekness, faith, and trust, and of a humble manner of living, all of which bound his soul closer to God. In the solitude of the mountains he learned that which all his instruction in the king’s palace was unable to impart to him, –simple, unwavering faith, and constant trust in the Lord.” –Fundamentals of Christian Education, p. 342
“Many today think that when they begin their Christian life they will find freedom from all want and difficulty. But all who take up their cross to follow Christ come to a Rephidim in their experience. Life is not all made up of green pastures and cooling streams. Disappointment overtakes us, privations come, circumstances occur that bring us into difficult places. As we follow in the narrow way, doing our best as we think, we find that grievous trials come to us. We think that we must have walked by our own wisdom far away from God. Conscience-stricken, we reason that if we had walked with God we would not have suffered so.” –Christ Triumphant, p. 112
“There will be no suffering ones in heaven, no skeptics whom we must labor to convince of the reality of eternal things, no prejudices to uproot, but all will be susceptible to that love which passeth knowledge. Rest, thank God, there is a rest for the people of God, where Jesus will lead the redeemed into green pastures, by the streams of living waters which make glad the city of our God. Then the prayer of Jesus to His Father will be answered: ‘I will that they also, whom Thou hast given Me, be with Me where I am.’” –Maranatha, p. 318
“The more we know of His truth, the more we shall desire to know. There will be an eternity before us, in which to explore the mysteries of God. It will be the delight of our Lord to lead us in green pastures, beside flowing waters, and unfold to the redeemed the mysteries of redemption.” –The Signs of the Times, April 8, 1889
Ellen G. White