for the Body
and the Mind
1. Get some vigorous exercise daily. Spend some time outdoors each day. Allow sunlight and fresh air into your home and office.
1. Develop a firm trust in God through personal daily Bible study prayer, and commitment.
2. Practice deep diaphragmatic breathing as often as you can.
2. Submit your life and plans to the inspection and approval of God as His will and your duty are revealed in Scripture and impressed on the conscience.
3. Make sure that, clothing and shoes provide proper warmth, comfort, and protection.
3. Test your words and actions by the Golden Rule—”Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Be co-operative, not competitive.
4. Drink eight glasses of pure water daily. Practice personal cleanliness and hygiene. Maintain sanitary surroundings where you live and work.
4. Cultivate love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, humility, meekness, moderation, gratitude and cheerfulness.
5. Abstain from tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, and other unnecessary drugs.
5. Ask for and receive God’s forgiveness for your wrongs. Freely forgive others. Do not chafe under injustice. Overcome evil with good. Harbor no bitterness.
6. Switch to a vegetarian diet (fruits, grains, nuts, vegetables, and—if you wish—low-fat dairy products) and eat only enough to meet your nutritional requirements. Maintain your ideal body weight.
6. Draw up a budget. Live within your means. Be content and grateful for what you have. Simplify your life. Get out of debt.
7. Eliminate unnecessary muscular tension by proper posture and by taking frequent stretch breaks, especially if you are a sedentary worker.
7. Follow a daily schedule. Set proper priori ties. Plan ahead but be flexible when circum stances demand it. Set a moderate pace.
8. Minimize noise in your environment. If possible,, select a home surrounded by nature rather than the artificial scenes of city life.
8. Carefully choose what you see and hear. Think on those things that are true, honest, just, pure, beautiful, and worthwhile.
9. Get adequate sleep. For most people this means seven to nine hours per night. Do not try to crowd too much into one day. Don’t be afraid to take a break during the day if needed.
9. Put God first, others second, and yourself third. This should not lead one into self-neglect.
10. Observe the seventh-day Sabbath—the weekly day of rest from our work and ordinary pursuits. Employed as God designs, it is a means of physical, mental, and spiritual restoration
10. Develop your talents and skills to be employed in serving and benefiting others in some way, thus glorifying God. This goal is the true purpose of life.