Are You a Christian?
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
We are living in an “identity crisis” in a sensitive, insecure world. It seems that when the question, “Are you a Christian?” is posed, it portends of “profiling,” which is developing into a taboo word in social circles.
Firstly, what is the meaning of “Christian?” Well, it has many and diverse meanings, perhaps, many misunderstandings, and erroneous ideas associated with it. You see, it is not a creed or philosophy. For many, today, many are asking not so much whether Christianity is true, but is it real? Furthermore, they ask, “does it have any real worth in my actual life?” However many Christians today, or rather the average Christian says, “Well, yes I am saved.” If so, then where are the fruits? Where are the characteristics in you that reflect the image of Jesus Christ, and that He has taught us to expect in a “Christian?” Think for a moment in what way are we different from others? Are we a copy of their aggressiveness and quest for ambitious goals in life; unscrupulous, driving hard bargains (GR ‘bazarri’) just like they are? Actually, “many Christians are living for the world.” MYP 374
Salt, Light, Fountain
“There are many classes of Christians today, but for simple clarity, a Christian is in essence, a Christlike person, a follower of Christ, a representative of Christ, the “salt” of the earth, the “light” of the world, “living fountain;” those who labor only to please God, who live a life of sobriety, humility, and holiness, never complain that Christ’s yoke is galling, possess the missionary spirit, make God first, and last and best in everything.” (2T 549; MYP 346; 5T386; PK68)
Delicate System
We could go on and on as to what we need or ought to be as Christ’s followers. Even so many believers need to know and learn what it is to be a Christian. Prior to the adoption of the name, “Christian,” Christians called themselves believers (Acts 5:14), brothers (Acts 6:3), or saints (Acts 9:13), names that continue to be used today. In fact, presently in Greece, a common greeting between two Christians is responded by, “Praise the Lord.” (GR doxa ton Theo). Christianity, furthermore, is: “a system, for every day and every place, inwrought with Christ’s life, and not just a belief laid aside when convenient.” (GC47; 4T 494; 4T 190). Remember, when Paul was before the governor, Felix, “hearing him concerning faith in Jesus, and he reasoned of righteousness, self-control, and judgment to come, Felix trembled, and answered, go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee.” (Acts23:24, 25)
Christianity is superbly unique among all the religions of the world. Most of them emphasize the life of the founder, but Christianity is based on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The death of Jesus is unique, also, for it was prophesied in the opening pages of the Bible (Genesis 5) and came to pass in the New Testament age thousands of years later.
In addition, the Christian religion, based on Jesus Christ being the central point—the crucified Messiah, the only Saviour and Mediator between God the Father and sinful humankind, is “the Creator and author of Christianity, the crown and glory of man’s life here, and is designed to write God’s law in the mind and heart.” (FE 375; 2SM 253; SD 50)
Angelic Suffering
“Early Christianity, the first or primitive Christianity, however, passed through many cruel trials. They were persecuted and accused by Nero for the burning of Rome, condemned as foes of religion, pests to society, and rebels against the Roman Empire. They were thrown to the arena to be torn by wild dogs and lions; covered with skins of wild animals by the persecutors and eaten by wild beasts! This was a ghastly form of punishment which served as entertainment at public fetes. Great numbers of Christians, also, were burned alive in the amphitheaters, and furthermore, crucified by pagans. Others were left in dungeons to die from cold, hunger, and torture. Many others were exiled to life in the mountains, and deserts, or forced to live in heathen lands, or desolate and solitary places. Thousands more found shelter in the catacombs of Rome. Countless others were hunted like beasts of prey by their enemies; which persecution drew the Christians nearer to Christ and to each other. Many Christians who passed through such severe trials felt the power of truth. In fact, the world’s salvation or loss depended on them, because of their fidelity to principle. Although few in number, they were a peculiar people, poor, without honor, position, or wealth, scattered from Jerusalem, and persecuted by unbelieving Jews; but a terror to evildoers. They rejoiced when counted worthy to suffer for Christ, and as such their unselfish labors should inspire us” (GC 39-48; 5T 239-40; AA 103-106)
“In spite of this great suffering and persecution of the early Christians, which is an example of those Christians for us in suffering for Christ’s sake, and should inspire us, there was a great apostasy among the early first century Christians who united with their half-pagan companions. These apostates warred against the essential doctrines of Christ. Although there was a mighty influence exerted by the early Christians, there was also a great opposition of the apostate Christians against the faithful Christians in the first centuries; namely, the persecutions came from the unbelieving Jews.” (DA 629; AA 487; 5T 213)
Professed Christians
Whether apostate or not there are many distinctions to discern. Many Christians use the name Christian as a name of honor, and not of shame, and many Christians are Christians because Christianity is considered honorable. The mere profession of faith, or having one’s name on the Church books, but living for this life only, however, does not make one a Christian. Many do not have a true conversion, but only a superficial one, and are Christians in name only. These are the professed Christians who are seen everywhere. Their profession of Christianity is nothing in God’s sight.
No Salt
“Professed Christians appearing gloomy do not have the genuine article of religion (living in the book of Lamentations). They are unceasingly gathering up gloom and sadness, which falsely represents God and Christianity. They are asleep in blindness, a sleepy indolence which Satan uses, and who make no advancement in knowledge and piety. They fail to exercise their God-given powers, and fail to grow up in Christ (“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Hos. 4:6) Being destitute of wisdom from above, they’re unprepared to meet fierce conflicts awaiting the church.
“They reject the Sabbath truth, are fruitless, rough in manners and influence, always hungering for something new and diverse, live a dwarfed and sickly existence, slothful–which hinders those who would move out in God’s work, unfaithful as God’s stewards, whining and complaining constantly, and indifferent to Satan and his work. These Christians are like salt that has lost its savor, and Christians in name only, which are worse than unbelievers. These and many more are a backslidden condition of the Christian, representing the sign of the times.”(5T 262-63; GC 309-11; 454-5; 463-64; 508; DA 152-53; 306)
Church and World United
We read from Early Writings, pg, 227, 228, “I saw a very large company professing the name of Christ, but God did not recognize them as His. He had no pleasure in them. Satan seemed to assume a religious character and was very willing that the people should think they were Christians. He was even anxious that they should believe in Jesus, His crucifixion, and His resurrection. Satan and his angels fully believe all this themselves, and tremble. But those who profess it to imitate the self-denying life of Christ, Satan is not disturbed; for they merely assume the Christian name, while their hearts are still carnal, and he can use them in his service even better than if they made no profession. Hiding their deformity under the name of Christian, they pass along with their unsanctified natures and their evil passions unsubdued. This gives occasion for the unbeliever to reproach Christ with their imperfections, and cause those who do possess pure and undefiled religion to be brought into disrepute.”
Smooth Gleamings
The ministers preach smooth things to suit carnal professors. They dare not preach Jesus and the cutting truths of the Bible; for if they should, these carnal professors would not remain in the church. But as many of them are wealthy, they must be retained, although they are no more fit to be there than Satan and his angels. This is just as Satan would have it. The religion of Jesus is made to appear popular and honorable in the eyes of the world. The people are told that those who profess religion will be more honored by the world and be prosperous! Such teachings differ very widely from the teachings of Christ. His doctrine and the world could not be at peace. Those who followed Him had to renounce the world.
These smooth things originated with Satan and his angels. They formed the plan, and nominal professors carried it out. Pleasing fables were taught and readily received, and hypocrites and open sinners united with the church. If the truth had been preached in its purity, it would soon have shut out this class.
Bad Scene
But there was no difference between the professed followers of Christ and the world. I saw that if the false covering had been torn off from the members of the churches, there would have been revealed such iniquity, vileness, and corruption that the most diffident child of God would have had no hesitancy in calling these professed Christians by their right name, children of their father, the devil, for his works they did.
Jesus and all the heavenly host looked with disgust upon the scene; yet God had a message for the church that was sacred and important. If received, it would make a thorough reformation in the church, revive the living testimony that would purge out hypocrites and sinners, and bring the church again into favor with God.”
Genuine Christian
“Finally, then, after all of the above, we are brought to that class of Christians where we all seek and aim to reach the highest attainments for doing good to others, and by so doing we bear fruit – God’s ‘signature.’ If believers are making no practical self-sacrifice for the good of others they are not Christians.”
“A genuine Christian abhors evil, yet cannot be careless, light and trifling with unbelievers, even though the world is a land of strangers and enemies, and we are few. Even so, you cannot withdraw yourselves from others and be a genuine Christian.”
Character Analysis
Foremost is the element of character. “The character and disposition of a genuine Christian is like Christ’s; being compared to ‘precious stones,’ constantly acknowledging Christ, to copy the pattern given by the Saviour, having the victory over besetments and passions, having sacrifices to make, self-denying, and that persecution will also be the lot of the Christian. Our work, thereby, is to represent Christ in the world. We can be helped in doing this by being holy, having confidence in God, and by resembling Christ most closely in character. We have a humble opinion of self, thinking happy, working for God in all times and all places.”
“Therefore, cling to what is good, do not choose the company of the unconverted – but, keeping company with the ‘soundest’, yet, do not keep as far as possible from souls who most need your help. Be modest in dress with good order and taste, dressing in a manner showing sacred regard for Sabbath and worship of God. Never be unkind, be free from envy or jealousy, being benevolent, control appetite and passions. Do not love the atmosphere surrounding irreligious lives, not having a desire to enter a place of amusement or engage in diversion on which you cannot ask God’s blessing. In addition, not neglecting parents, and standing firm as a rock in testing time.”
“There are Christians in every church; the Roman Church and others not of the SDA faith. But, we cannot harmonize with servants of Satan. In the end, Christ’s act of cursing the barren fig tree is a warning to all.”(MYP 131, 349; 5T 112, 123; AA 576-7; GC 602; Ev 575) (Lk. 21:29-33)
The Best Test
Consequently, our best brief interpretation and test of a Christian is found in the Bible: “To the law and to the testimony; if they speak not according to this word , it is because there is no light in them.” (Isa. 8:20) “By this we know that we love the children of God, and keep his commandments.” (1John 5:3)
Furthermore, the Test Of Christianity and religion is: “If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion is vain. Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit the fatherless, and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” (James 1:27)
The Best Rule
The Apostle Paul gives us a pertinent rule for the thinking life of the Christian in Philippians 4:8, 9. Have we ever really applied our minds into seriously thinking about this?
“Finally brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy – meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.”
It is because we will not bring our thoughts into captivity to the obedience of Christ that all our trials and perplexities are produced regarding the ways we think that resemble Christianity. We often base our thinking on principles and doctrines, bits from here or there to agree with certain principles, but the truth, our Lord Jesus Christ is ignored. “Our mind and affections are transformed by Christianity.” (5T 275). May it be so.
Tender Stop!
There is a story of a young American Indian boy on a bus traveling from Tucson to Phoenix, Arizona. Somewhere in between he fell asleep and missed his stop at his Indian reservation. Having no money to return, and asking the bus driver if he would please return, the driver gruffly and rudely answered, “No, that’s too bad, it’s your problem for not being awake, I won’t do it.” A kindly woman sitting in front of the Indian boy, turned and said, “don’t worry young man, when we reach Phoenix I will buy you a ticket to return, and see that you get on the right bus back.” The boy sat silently in disbelief. Many minutes elapsed, before the young boy tapped the lady on the shoulder and shyly asked in a whispered tone, “Pardon me ma’am, are you a Christian?”
What a testimony! What an example in faith for us! Faith in action! “What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him?” (James 2:14, 24)
“God gives us the Holy Spirit not only for holy living but for holy thinking.”
Assuredly, “a Christian is a link in a chain to save the world.” (DA369)
Here is the answer to, “Are You A Christian?” Amen.